The method to my madness

Let’s take a look into my work flow


It may seem odd to START at 100, but I promise there is a point.

This step typically involves a pen, paper (sometimes the back of an old food temperature sheet from the dining hall I worked at), and my bustling mind. I try to make note of issues that have impacted myself and others, while also seeking to examine problems that feel foreign to me. If I’m feeling particularly uninspired, I will typically mind map using a any buzz word I can think of and go from there.

In other words, this stage means 100 (or more, of course) concepts, logos, and style ideations.


It’s time to get down to business and narrow down my ideas. I aim to hone in on my most viable, unique ideas for products, services, or concepts that don’t currently exist or have been done before.

After the idea has been settled on, I have to resist the urge to toy around in Adobe and instead hit the books (or the internet). This stage consists of Pinterest scrolls and heavy article reading to fully immerse myself in the world that is my topic, which helps me understand my target audience.

Here is where I began to narrow down a bit - at least 10 or so ideations for styles, logos, advertising concepts, etc.


Now it’s time to really make it happen.

Tweaking can go on forever, but here is where I finalize my designs and ensure my confidence in my design style, copywriting, and overall concept. I tend to try and get a second set of eyes on my work at this stage, to ensure that there are no clarity issues before I really polish it off.