

Standing against Ai.

Although the rise of Artificial Intelligence has brought on miraculous technological development, it has also caused women to become more vulnerable to identity theft, defamation, disadvantages in politics and a laundry list of other implications. Manipulated is an organization that strives to raise awareness toward this fairly new issue, that is only worsening as technology advances. This specific campaign shines a light on the impact that deepfake identity fraud has on its victims, and how it can permanently alter the trajectory of their lives.

SCOPE of Work


Branding & naming

Logo development



The obstacle

Today, posting what seems like an innocent, happy photo can put any person, especially women, at risk of identity theft. With the sea of Ai hosting sites now and technology available, anyone can steal your photo, plug it into their browser to create an entirely fraudulent, and often explicit image.

The Solution

Manipulated aims to educate people on this very current, and very real issue that impacts the mental health, reputation and safety of women everywhere. While it can be difficult to protect yourself from this type of identity theft, viewers are encouraged to visit Manipulated’s website to learn about the precautions they can take to protect themselves as best as they can.

high-tech. investigative. sleek.

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